🖥️ Texverse is an online knowledge base of HCI textile research, it walks you through related works in a friendly gallery view of academic papers and has a powerful AI research assistant backed with a strong vector database storing context information of past research in this field.

🔆 Highlights

  • Serverless front-end web app using Firebase Firestore database and Cloud Functions.
  • 220 textile related papers in HCI research was stored in the database and loaded (text-embeddings) to the vector database, which can be used to provide context for the AI assistant.
  • An intelligent AI assistant that can answer questions about the HCI textile research, and provide most related papers and context information.

🪁 App live at https://texverse-hci.github.io/. The OpenAI API and Firebase Storage database might be expired. Refer to video demo for the full experience.

🔗 Detailed descriptions, technical details, source code, etc., can be found in the Github organization for this project: https://github.com/TexVerse-HCI

🍾 This is the personal final project of the TECHIN 510 (Programming For Digital And Physical User Interfaces) course @ GIX, UW.